суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

asul batis rating

My son's preschool teachers attended a Yoga Calm workshop over the summer and they have been implementing various concepts in the classroom this year. One of my favorites is heart thoughts. At the end of the class, the teacher will ask the kids to think of someone who they care about that they want to send heart thoughts to. The kids say anything from Mom or Dad to their dog or another classmate. I was fortunate to hear a few of their responses recently when I parent taught. It was totally adorable. The kiddo sent his heart thoughts to his Dad.

Another thing they have implemented in the classroom is volcano breaths. One day as I was waiting to pick up the kiddo, I was reading the bulletin board to see what they had been up to that day. Apparently the kiddo got a little upset with one of his classmates at the train table and he and the teacher had to do some volcano breaths to calm down. When hubby and I asked him about it he was quick to show us what the breaths were. Basically a long inhale and a long exhale.

I love that they are teaching the kids ways to calm themselves down. We really love and appreciate the amazing preschool that our son is in. We are all learning a lot

asul batis rating, asul blog.blogspot.com, asul verde, asul verde.ro.

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