понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I have not had a good week.�My beloved Pip unexpectedly died on Wednesday.�He was 14.�Weapos;d had him since he was about three days old, bottle fed him every few hours for weeks, and he was a constant and wonderful companion.�I once noted that I had more pictures of Pip than any other cat, and Russ pointed out that was because he was never more than a few feet away from me.�My life is emptier without him.�

Getting other things done has been difficult.�I have a book cover due for a publisher.�I have things to prepare for NaNo, if I can get my interest back in it.�Vision is due at the end of the month and I finally at least have some notes for the workshop. �FM will be updated at the end of the month as well.�

Russ will be home on Saturday and then leave for Minneapolis on Sunday.�I may go up with him and then take a bus back home a day or so later.�Heapos;ll be back on Friday and stay until the 9th.�It is going to be longest stretch weapos;ve had together in a year.�If things go well, Iapos;ll move over to the other house during those days.�It will be a better place to be for the winter.�

My big problem right now is that Iapos;m having a hard time caring about getting anything done.�This is not helped by people being so rude and stupid at FM that I had to ban someone.�This is only the second person Iapos;ve banned in the five years Iapos;ve run the site.�Itapos;s one thing to completely ignore site rules, but another to do so and to ignore and be rude to the people who ask you to stop.�Ugh.�I hate stupid people some days.�

I am still working on Summer Storm.�Unlike the last few rewrites Iapos;ve done, this one is actually growing instead of losing words.�Iapos;ve added about 7k so far, and I think Iapos;ll have another 15k before Iapos;m done.�I like the story.�Iapos;m happy with it, even when everything else is so lousy.�I think thatapos;s a good sign.

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Well Iapos;m bored at the moment and canapos;t be bothered to upload any icons.
So I make some gifs. For my sidebar.
Iapos;ve made some from the awesome new Twilight trailer and also some from CS:NY. Making them is kind of addictive.
I canapos;t stop.
Oh I also have some exciting news, in and out of school.
Iapos;ll get to the boreing stuff first. School: I got Aapos;s in two of my drama assessments, one in my theory - log book- part and one in my performance. I am quite happy with that I must say.
Now for the uber exciting news. Iapos;m most likely - fingers crossed - going to the advanced screening of Twilight here in Sydney.
Whoop. Iapos;m so pumped, all I have to do is talk to my Mum and tell her everythings safe. Yay

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Really, everything is in the title there.

The only green flag I could find today was pierced through a file labeled "petty complaints" and not "Amusingly insane ramblings" like I was hoping
So here it goes
My headache moved south to the more expansive climbs of my back and arms. Sneezing, coughing and blowing my nose all hurt like a motherfucker. So does trying to raise my arms to chest level and hold them there for any length of time. My right arm doesnapos;t want to lift higher than chest height at all; my left arm does it, but mutters profanities under its breath when it does it.

The problem of course is that Iapos;m both right handed and forgetful. So I keep reaching for things and only realize that was a bad idea around the point where I scream in pain.

SO yeah. Also culling copies from my music collection is still going slow and Iapos;ve got 18 files worth of editing that I donapos;t want to do staring me in the face. Also, re-writing the lost story and other shit.

That seems to be the end of our "Petty Complaints" file, and it did do what it said on the label. Canapos;t fault it there.

Iapos;d say more substantive posts were to follow, but my mother raised me to be honest.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I think Iapos;ll steal the initial post from my livejournal, with some minor modifications:

So I have a blog. Hurray. Throw me a party.

Many, many strategic omissions there. I guess thatapos;s about it.

Come to the Seekonk Grand Prix. Visit me. I need love and Taco Bell. Iapos;m freaking addicted to the chicken quesadillas, and somehow their sour cream seems superior. Plus, I get it for free (a $0.39 value) because one of my co-workers works there. Itapos;s an excellent arrangement.

P.S.: My roommateapos;s name is Annie Sheng. Sheapos;s from Edison, NJ. If anyone knows her, let me know.

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My son's preschool teachers attended a Yoga Calm workshop over the summer and they have been implementing various concepts in the classroom this year. One of my favorites is heart thoughts. At the end of the class, the teacher will ask the kids to think of someone who they care about that they want to send heart thoughts to. The kids say anything from Mom or Dad to their dog or another classmate. I was fortunate to hear a few of their responses recently when I parent taught. It was totally adorable. The kiddo sent his heart thoughts to his Dad.

Another thing they have implemented in the classroom is volcano breaths. One day as I was waiting to pick up the kiddo, I was reading the bulletin board to see what they had been up to that day. Apparently the kiddo got a little upset with one of his classmates at the train table and he and the teacher had to do some volcano breaths to calm down. When hubby and I asked him about it he was quick to show us what the breaths were. Basically a long inhale and a long exhale.

I love that they are teaching the kids ways to calm themselves down. We really love and appreciate the amazing preschool that our son is in. We are all learning a lot

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Seriously? Last year, there were less people who died of drawning in a swimming pool than the ones who died from diving in an empty one...

My lol of last night.
[begin circonvolutions]Oooh, yesterday. Hardcore. Wake up at 7, already tired from the week and the week end I had, classes on the moring. The most boring classes there are...(TOEFL,�GMAT, German) and then during the afternoon, appointment with the owner of my appartment -He finally came to see that my heating system is dangerous...- and practice from 6 to 8:30pm. -Ouch, I feel that, since my jumps arenapos;t as I want them, I did two hours of musculation last night... Paying it right now...-
Then, I came back and worked on the Finance test I just finished -did... Not well, but way better than I would have if I hadnapos;t worked that hard, I suck at Finance, hate it- until 11pm. I had swore to David and our buddies that Iapos;d go out so I did for a while. I came back at 2:30.... Worked until 4am. Woke up at 7:30 to work again before class (at 9:45... -yeah, WHO starts a class at 45? or 15? srly?)[End circonvolutions]
Last night a friend of mine made me lmao... He told me that if ever he had a girlfriend, he wouldnapos;t introduce me to her because he was afraid sheapos;d leave him for me... *giggles*
What does it say about me? Hm?
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